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The Nagant revolvers
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Ebook's Content
The Nagant firm historical recall
- From firearms to
The Nagant
revolver Model 1895 - historical recall
- The first developments
- The Nagant and Pieper's cartridge
- Russia under the reign of Alexander III
- Licence of production
to Russia
- Markings on the model 1895
- Shift from single to double-action mode
- Variations of the model 1895
Takedown of the Nagant
Mod 1895
- Takedown procedure with pictures
- Trick to ease the hammer takedown alone
Mechanical principles
of the revolver Nagant Mod 1895
- The answer to gas
leakage at the barrel-cylinder joint
- The 7,62 mm Nagant ammunition
Lock of the revolver
Nagant Mod 1895
- the revolver Nagant model 1895 owns a true
breech lock
- Animated sequence on the locking
- Shooting in simple and double action
- Rebounding hammer
- Animated sequence about the double-action
The performances of
the revolver Nagant Mod 1895
- One can first criticize the tremendous
trigger's weight
- A Russian trick to greatly diminish the trigger's weight
- An obsolete loading
- The Nagant 762 mm
cartridge comparatively to the others
- How to use of the 32-20
Winchester case for reloading
The Nagant revolvers of the Belgian Army
- Specific markings
- The model 1878 in caliber 9,4 mm
- The 9,4 mm Nagant cartridge
- The model 1883 in single action
- The model 1878/86 in double action with a simplified lock
- The model 1883 in double action
Belgian Army revolvers holsters
- five models presented
The Nagant revolvers
of the Grand-duché of Luxembourg
- First model termed "Officers Mod
- Second model termed
"Mod 1884 for officers with safety"
- Third model or Mod
1884 for gendarme
- The removable bayonet
- Table of the
different models compared
The Swedish Nagant
- The Swedish model 1887 in caliber 7,5 mm
- The Husqvarna
The Serbian Nagant
- The Serbian Nagant Mod 1891
- Technical characteristics of the Serbian model
- Specific markings
The Nagant revolvers
of South America
- The South American Nagant in cal 11 mm
- The 44 Nagant
Brazilian (11,2x20R) and 440 Nagant Argentinian (11,2x22R)
- The South American Nagant revolvers compared to the Belgian 1878 to 1886 models
- Table of comparison
The Nagant revolver Mod 1910
- When Léon Nagant passed away
- The Nagant
brothers decided to improve the model 1895
- Characteristics of the model 1910
patents about firearms
- Patents list
- The current value of the Nagant
revolvers (B&B sales)
Bibliography |
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