The Royal Erfurt Arsenal, located in
Thuringia, resulted of the acquisition by the state (1840-1851) and merging (1862) of two
private owned firearm firms situated in Saarn and Hattingen, Rhenania. The Arsenal was
endowed the best production machinery to warrant the Military the armament quality and
quantity they needed. Following the adoption of the Luger pistol in 1908, the Arsenal was
granted in 1910 a part of the production. Therefore the first Erfurt Lugers produced bore
the year 1911 on the chamber. The whole production neared 23,000 "Artillery"
models and 496,000 regular models. After World War I, the Arsenal was dismantled. One
of its managers created the ERMA firm, still known for its Luger copies in calibre .22 Lr.
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