Revolutionary War
Founding Brothers : The Revolutionary Generation
by Joseph J. EllisAn
illuminating study of the intertwined lives of the founders of the American republic--John
Adams, Aaron Burr, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison,
and George Washington...
The Federalist Papers
by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, Clinton Rossiter (Editor), Charles R.
Kesler (Introduction)
is a new edition of the classic text, the papers of Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and
James Madison written in support of the then-proposed Constitution of the United States.
In addition to the supplementary materials provided (including a copy of the Constitution
and an Index of Ideas), this revised edition also contains a new introduction, historical
glossary, selected bibliography, the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of
Confederation. Amazon Review.
Paperback | Buy Audio Cassette
Setting the World Ablaze : Washington,
Adams, Jefferson and the American Revolution
by John E. Ferling
many books have already been published about the American Revolution as well as about
Washington, Adams, and Jefferson. Ferling brilliantly analyzes all three towering figures
within a specific historical context, to be sure, but also in terms of each other. He
creates and then explores a matrix of juxtapositions between and among them, comparing and
contrasting all three in relation to each other but also in relation to the historical
context on which each had such a profound impact... Amazon Review.
The Anti-Federalist Papers and the
Constitutional Convention Debates
by Ralph Ketcham
often intense and fiery speeches made by the Anti-Federalists or the detractors of the
Constitution (as it was being written and then debated) are powerful, passionate and sharp
enough to make one feel these words were meant to be weapons, i.e., the front line defense
of the freedom and liberty we so easily take for granted today... Amazon Review
Angel in the Whirlwind : The Triumph of
the American Revolution
by Benson Bobrick
disparate group of settlers, spread from New England to Georgia, agreed on little in the
mid-eighteenth century. This fascinating history tells the story of how they eventually
conquered the enemy, England, while it reminds readers just how divided the colonies
really were. 3 maps. Amazon.
Hardcopy | Buy Paperback
Patriots : The Men Who Started the
American Revolution
by A. J. Langguth
meticulously researched narrative history brings to life the American Revolution--the
battles, the treacheries, the drama, and the dynamic personalities of the men who forged
our freedom. Amazon.
The Road to Guilford Courthouse: The
American Revolution in the Carolinas
by John Buchanan
connecting events from the siege of Charleston in April 1780, to the battle of Guilford
Courthouse, almost a year later, Buchanan carefully weaves politics, battles and
personalities into one of the fascinating stories of American independence."
Roanoke Times
The Cousins' Wars : Religion, Politics,
and the Triumph of Anglo-America
by Kevin P. Phillips
is an elegant and provocative book...Phillips not only seeks out the religious foundations
of political differences but finds an underlying Anglo-America that has not only endured
despite these wars but has decisively reshaped the modern world..." Publisher
Thomas Paine : Collected Writings :
Common Sense / The Crisis / Rights of Man / The Age of Reason / Pamphlets, Articles, and
Letters (Library of America)
by Thomas Paine, Eric Foner (Editor)
Paine's greatness lied in his ability to take the abstract ideas of the American
Revolution and make them graspable by all of his time, while infusing them with the moral
passion that they truly deserved. Paine is one of the great masters of ideas taken into
action... Amazon.
A History of the American Revolution
by John R. Alden
found the book excellent to begin my research into the Revolution and found it to be fair
and balanced for both sides. Having a major in Us History and needing a book for
History: Revolutions, Alden was a treasure to have stumbled upon. Amazon Review.
Battles of the Revolutionary War,
1775-1781 (Major Battles and Campaign's)
by W. J. Wood
is one of the best books on the battles of the American Revolution. having much of the
smell of gunpowder about it, the author tells a straightforward tale of courage, hardship,
defeat, and, finally, victory by an army of hard-bitten Continentals who became
professionals through endurance, deadly on the job training, and the leadership of some of
the best combat commanders in American history. Amazon Review.
Saratoga : Turning Point of America's
Revolutionary War
by Richard M. Ketchum
is a relatively new book, and it is an excellent history of the series of battles, the
campaign, that was the turning point of the American Revolution. Seldom does a British
armed force surrender; in the Revolution two did-at Yorktown and at Saratoga. Amazon
Hardcopy | Buy Paperback
The Day the American Revolution Began:
19 April 1775
by William H. Hallihan
shot heard round the world traveled at slightly less than the speed of sound, as the news
of its firing took four days to travel from Lexington Green to New York, five days to
Philadelphia, and more than five weeks to distant London. William H. Hallahan
follows the news--and the reactions it provoked--in The Day the American Revolution
Began. Amazon Review.
The Winter Soldiers : The Battles for
Trenton and Princeton
by Richard M. Ketchum
school child knows that Washington crossed the Delaware and it was a big deal. Not many
know why. Including me, until I read the book. Now I understand why he is so revered. This
book is well written and inspiring. Amazon Review.
The Glorious Cause : The American
Revolution, 1763-1789
by Robert Middlekauff
histories of the American Revolution are written as if on stained glass, with George
Washington's forces of good battling King George III's redcoat devils. The actual events
were, of course, far more complex than that, and Robert Middlekauff undertakes the
difficult task of separating the real from the mythic with great success... Amazon Review
Hardcopy | Buy Paperback
Radicalism of the American Revolution
by Gordon S. Wood
as is often noted, the American Revolution was not as convulsive or transforming as its
French and Russian counterparts. Yet this sparkling analysis from Wood (History/Brown
Univ.; ed., The Rising Glory of America, 1971) impressively argues that it was anything
but conservative... Kirkus Reviews
Paul Revere's Ride
by David Hackett Fischer
book is meticulously researched and extremely thorough. Hackett's history of Paul Revere,
British General Gage and all the surrounding times, people, places and events pulls
together what was happening just prior to the Revolutionary War. Not only is it
wonderful as a history book, but it's a fun and interesting read; if all history books
were so interesting, fewer history students would be bored. Amazon Review.
Hardcopy | Buy Paperback |
Audio Cassette
Redcoats and Rebels : The American Revolution Through British
by Christopher Hibbert
Hibbert corrects many fallacies that exist in the history of the American Revolution and
portrays the realities of a war in which the British rarely lost a battle until the French
helped the rebels defeat Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1781. Captures the flavor, energy,
and language of the period with colorful anecdotes and quotations. 16 pages of
illustrations and maps. Amazon Review.
The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution
by Bernard Bailyn
is probably the finest book on the American Revolution published in the second half of the
twentieth century. No-one can truly claim to understand the Revolution without having read
this book in its entirety. In it, Mr. Bailyn gives a full and thorough analysis of the
causes and perceptions of the Revolution on both sides of the Atlantic... Amazon Review.
Decisive Day : The Battle for Bunker Hill
by Richard M. Ketchum
Ketchum uses maps, drawings, and first hand accounts to provide a view of the Battle of
Bunker Hill that is missed in most books on the Revolution. The details give the reader a
true sense of what happened. An excellent research tool. Amazon Review.
George Washington's War: The Saga of the American
by Robert Leckie
author of Delivered from Evil and None Died in Vain brings us this third dramatic
narrative of a climactic event in American history. Starting with a history of the causes
of the break between the colonies and England, Leckie traces the course of events to the
British surrender at Yorktown--in solid history that reads like fiction.
The Birth of the Republic, 1763-89 (The Chicago History of
American Civilization)
by Edmund Sears Morgan, Daniel J. Boorstin
one remarkable quarter-century, thirteen quarrelsome colonies were transformed into a
nation. Edmund S. Morgan's classic account of the Revolutionary period shows how the
challenge of British taxation started the Americans on a search for constitutional
principles to protect their freedom and eventually led to the Revolution... Amazon Review.
Inheriting the Revolution: The First Generation of
by Joyce Oldham Appleby
excellent historical analysis of post American Revolution cultural and character regional
developments responsible for much of the future general nature -- religious, economic, and
social -- of both male and female Americans. It gives what might be considered a
"true" picture of early 19th century U.S. history, not one that has been
"cleaned up" to protect ancestry. It is a profound, in-depth work of the true
scholar and historian to be thoroughly enjoyed. One learns much from such historical
preparation. Amazon Review.
Revolutionary War on Wednesday
by Mary Pope Osborne, Sal Murdocca (Illustrator)
Magic Tree House whisks Jack and Annie back to Colonial America. They arrive just as
General George Washington is planning the crossing of the Delaware. Before they know it,
Jack and Annie are in a boat with the Father of Our Country as history is made!
Hardcopy | Buy Paperback
The Long Fuse : How England Lost the American Colonies,
by Don Cook
from a multitude of primary sources, including personal correspondence and political
memos, this narrative account of the political blunders that led Britain into the American
Revolution throws new light on this colorful age and its players, from William Pitt and
King George III to Ben Franklin and a young John Adams. Amazon Review.
A Battlefield Atlas of the American Revolution
by Craig L. Symonds
atlas is a must for armchair generals. The stunning graphics and battle inclusiveness make
it a must have!
A Devil of a Whipping: The Battle of Cowpens
by Lawrence E. Babits
easy to forget that the British won most of the battles during the American Revolution.
The Americans certainly carried the day at Saratoga and Yorktown, but they were beaten
again and again by their enemy elsewhere--and often badly. So it's especially odd that the
Battle of Cowpens, fought in South Carolina on January 17, 1781, isn't better remembered
in American imagination... Amazon Review.
Hardcopy | Buy Paperback
The Voices of 1776 : The Story of the American Revolution in
the Words of Those Who Were There
by Richard Wheeler (Editor), Bruce Catton
excellent book for anyone interested in obtaining detail, from a participant's viewpoint,
that most history books lack. If anyone would enjoy time traveling, he would enjoy chapter
31 which focuses on John Paul Jones and the famous battle which made him legendary. The
troubles that one faced during battles aboard wooden vessels was amazing, and,
simultaneously amusing! A must read for those interested in the thinking process of the
participants. Chapter 31 was my favorite chapter of the whole book and I strongly
recommend it to any navy personnel who has or wants a future in the navy. Amazon
Paperback |
Battlefield Ghosts
by B. Keith Toney
contemporary tales of haunts on America's Revolutionary & Civil War battlefields.
Witness a once-in-a-lifetime phantom battle at Kernstown, Virginia, hear the piercing
cries of the War Eagle at Vicksburg, or salute the spectral lieutenant guarding Fort
Pulaski. These eyewitness accounts will keep you spellbound from cover to cover. Amazon


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