Survival Techniques

Jane's Chem-Bio Handbook
by Frederick R. Sidell
Chembio Handbook: The professional standard since 1998. Written by the top
experts in the field and used by more Federal, state and local law enforcement, fire, and
emergency responders than any other book of its kind.
the Author
Frederick R. Sidell, M.D., spent 31 years at the U.S. Army Medical Research
Institute of Chemical Defense. While with the government, Dr. Sidell saw hundreds of
casualties from chemical warfare agents, wrote extensively on this topic in scientific and
medical journals and books. In 1979 the Army Surgeon General sent him to Thailand to
investigate the alleged use of chemical agents against the refugees Laos, and in March
1995 he was one of three physicians sent by the State Department to Tokyo to...
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Covert Technologies: Bio Terror
NTSC format (US and Canada only)
Color, NTSC
weapons have been used for over 50 years to kill enemies. As far back as the middle ages,
the bodies of those plagued with deadly organisms were catapulted into enemy territory to
spread deadly germs...and ultimately kill. Science is now taking us to a new era of germ
warfare. Explore the deadly havoc these horrific weapons can wreak with consequences more
terrible than nuclear war. Bio Terror addresses the growing fear and
significance of biological weapons in our society today. VHS Color, 52 minutes.
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21st Century Germs, Germ Warfare, Anthrax, and Bioterrorism:
Fort Detrick Official Medical Management Handbook plus Complete Guide to Nuclear,
Biological, and Chemical Terrorism (Book and CD-ROM)
by U.S. Government
The book portion of this title is a reproduction of the highly
acclaimed "Blue Book" written by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute Of
Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland - "Medical Management Of
Biological Casualties Handbook" newly revised Fourth Edition, February 2001. In the
introduction, the authors state: "The global biological warfare threat is serious,
and the potential for devastating casualties is high for certain biological agents. There
are at least 10 countries around the world currently that have offensive biological
weapons programs. However, with appropriate use of medical countermeasures either already
developed or under development, many casualties can be prevented or minimized. The purpose
for this handbook is to serve as a concise manual that will guide medical personnel in the
prophylaxis and management of biological casualties. It is designed as a quick reference
and overview." The handbook, with 124 pages, covers every bacterial and viral agent,
with important information on prevention and treatment. Please see the Table of Contents
link on this page for additional content details.
With the handbook we're including our
best-selling CD-ROM, "21st Century Complete Guide to Bioterrorism, Biological and
Chemical Weapons, Germs and Germ Warfare, Nuclear and Radiation Terrorism - Military
Manuals and Federal Documents with Practical Emergency Plans, Protective Measures, Medical
Treatment and Survival Information" (ISBN 1-931828-09-1). This incredible CD-ROM
provides the best, most up-to-date and comprehensive collection available anywhere of
official information and documents on the threats posed by terrorism and weapons of mass
destruction: bioterror agents like anthrax, smallpox, and plague; chemical agents
including nerve gas; military and improvised nuclear weapons; radiological weapons; and
radiation from nuclear facility sabotage and accidents. It is an encyclopedic collection
of manuals, handbooks, self-study courses, government plans and programs, and reference
works including virtually every public domain document pertaining to every aspect of the
risk to civilians from terrorism, and to military personnel in warfare. Over 30,000 pages
in 146 documents (occupying over 600 MB) from all major Federal agencies, including the
Department of Defense, U.S. Army, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Dept. of
Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Dept. of Energy, Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC), EPA, and GAO give detailed, useful, practical, current
information on the NBC (nuclear, biological, and chemical) threat.
The documents on the CD-ROM are reproduced
using Adobe Acrobat PDF software - allowing direct viewing on Windows and Apple Macintosh
systems. Reader software is included on the CD.
this book

The Sas Survival Handbook : How to Survive in the Wild, in Any Climate, on Land or at Sea
by John Wiseman
this book
Sas Encyclopedia of
by Barry Davies
One of the best survival manuals
available!, May 25, 2000
Reviewer: Mark from Utah
The SAS Encyclopedia of Survival is one of the best in its' class! I fully recommend it to
anyone seriously interested in valid survival techniques. I spent several years living in
the Andes and remote jungle areas of South America and I believe that I can recognize a
decent survival manual when I see one. Many survival books being sold are worthless in the
field, as their content depends on items that need to be packed in. Barry Davies's book is
not one of those. The book covers the topics most often discussed in other books such as
shelter, fire and food, but the outstanding thing about the book is that it also has
specific chapters on survival in Arctic, desert, and jungle areas. The pictures found
throughout the book are great although some like the ones showing snares could be
supported with illustrations as the photos are too vague to show any details. An
interesting chapter in evading capture is the frosting on the cake for the book. This book
is easy to read, not being dry like so many military manuals. The advice is sound and
practical, and can be applied easily using common sense. I would reccomend it for anyone
traveling to the wild areas of South America because it teaches you what to do to save
yourself when working or traveling in an area where there are no ranger stations or local
search and rescue teams. The chapter on survival medicine is also superior to that found
in most other books. A great reference in any outdoorsman's library!
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Basic Essentials
Survival (Basic Essentials Series)
by James E. Churchill
For a generation the Basic Essentials series has been as much a part
of the outdoors experience as backpacks and hiking boots. Information-packed tools for the
novice or handy references for the veteran, these volumes distill years of knowledge into
affordable and portable books. Whether you're planning a trip or thumbing for facts in the
field, Basic Essentials books tell you what you need to know. Discover techniques for
building a fire with and without matches, finding safe sources of water, foraging and
trapping for food, building a shelter to survive the elements and signaling for help.
the Author
James Churchill has written five other books on trapping and food
procurement to include Making the Wilderness Your Home (ICS Books, 1986). He has worked as
a game warden and currently resides in Florence, WI, where he practices his skills of
survival as a way of life. --This text refers to the Paperback
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The Survivor Manual : Based on U.S. Armed Forces Survival Techniques
by Mark Burnett
this book
Wilderness 911 : A
Step-By-Step Guide for Medical Emergencies and Improvised Care in the Backcountry
by Eric A. Weiss
Wilderness 911 takes all backcountry travelers from the basics
of first aid to more advanced wilderness medicine with straightforward, step-by-step
instructions. For situations when aid-givers don't have the proper supplies, this guide
teaches creative and medically sound problem-solving for emergency situations.
The easy-to-follow format walks you through
"Signs and Symptoms" and "Treatment," and notes "When to
Worry" signs for a broad spectrum of medical emergencies. "Tricks of the
Trade" sidebars offer improvisational techniques, such as closing wounds with dental
floss, hair, or duct tape; treating burns or creating an airtight dressing with honey and
plastic wrap; relieving mouth bleeding with a tea bag, and many more.
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Track & Field
Coach's Survival Guide : Practical Techniques and Materials for Building an Effective
Program and Success in Every Event
by Edward L., Jr. Wallace
author, Edward L Wallace , July 2, 1998
Concerning the javelin event
Most of my coaching experience (38 years) has been in the state of
Illinois on the high school level. The javelin is not a part of our track and field
program. I am presently coaching the jumps, sprints and relays on the collegiate level.
Since this book is basically a survival guide for coaches on the high school level I did
not feel that it was my bounden duty to include the javelin. My book's major mission is to
assist coaches who are without facilities, equipment, assistant coaches or budget. I feel
my book accomplishes that objective. I have read 300 books on track and field and none of
them have covered EVERY aspect of track and field from A to Z. I wrote 400 pages and my
editor cautioned me not write any further.I regret that you have negative feelings about
my book, but I wrote what I could within the parameters that I was given.
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Primitive Wilderness
Living & Survival Skills: Naked into the Wilderness
by John McPherson
Reviewer: Jon
Nelson from Illinois
This book is an excellent beginners guide for the inexperienced outdoorsman.
The book contains 10 well developed chapters
that will get you well on your way to being able to "live off the land." The
topics covered in this book are as follows: tanning deer skins, making fire, cordage,
making a bow and arrows, making traps, meat preservation, primitive cooking methods, field
dressing and butchering a deer, container making (baskets and pottery), making tools, and
making shelters.
Most of these topics are covered in amazing
detail with plenty of photographs. The McPhersons do an excellent job of explaining the
topics so that even people with no outdoor experience could perform the task almost
immediately. The only exception I found was the chapter on making baskets. Even though I
read the chapter several times, I do not feel I could not weave a basket (in all do
fairness, it may be easier when I actually attempt the task).
I can not stress enough how easy this book
makes a seemingly impossible task for people who lack the basic knowledge of wilderness
survival skills. The McPhersons don't just give you the instructions, they also explain
the physics or logic behind what they are writing about. I recommend this book to anyone
who needs/wants a firm foundation in basic survival skills.
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Ranger Handbook
by Department of Army
The most excellent and widely read book on Ranger operatations ever.
Active duty Rangers practically memorize this book and practice the important tactics
described, ranging from patrolling to mountaineering, land navigation to the handling of
prisoners. Also includes chapters on leadership, missions and battle drills. Absolutely
essential for persons interested in small unit tactics.
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U.S. Army Survival
by Department of Defense
The U.S. Army Survival Manual is widely recognized as the finest
single-source on the subject. Used by all branches of the U.S. Military, including Special
Operations Forces and Pilots. This book has been translated for use in foreign militaries.
Civilians have discovered this detailed compilation as a very interesting and important
addition to their homes, cars and campers.
Describes and clearly illustrates a vast
array of topics, including
· The Will to Survive · Survival Planning · Survival
Medicine · Weapons and Tools · Water procurement · Wild Plants for Food · Wildlife for
Food · Shelter · Firebuilding · Water Crossings · Direction Finding · Signaling ·
Desert Survival · Tropical Survival · Arctic and Subarctic Survival · Sea Survival ·
Poisonous Snakes · Knots · Climate · Weather.
Teaches you how to
· Overcome the
desire for Comfort · Recognize the onset of a dangerous passive outlook · Tolerate Pain
· Use the word survival as a pneumonic device · Plan ahead for survival ·
Administer the Heimlich Hug · Treat insect and Snake Bites · Make wooden and stone
knives · Make a rabbit stick · Start a fire with a bow and drill · Procure water in
nearly any environment · Construct solar water still · Make polluted water drinkable ·
Conduct the Universal Plant Edibility to Test (very important) · Improvise containers for
boiling food · Catch and eat insects · Make fishhooks and fishing lines · Build a
stakeout for fishing secretly · Make spear points · Capture amphibians and reptiles ·
Catch birds in a net · Make Ojibwa bird snare · Make squirrel pole · Make a trip-string
deadfall trap · Clean a snake · Skin and butcher small and large game · Build a
parachute tepee · Construct a swamp bed · Build a shelter in the desert sand · Make a
Dakota fire hole · Cross a swift stream · Make an Australian poncho raft · Find
direction using the sun and stars · Signal aircraft with your body · Much, much more
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First Responder
Chem-Bio Handbook
by Ben N. Venzke
Military Intelligence Association (NMIA) Zgram - March 19, 1998
This is a super book! It doesn't drone on and on about the
composition and history of Chemical and Biological Weapons - it is indeed a First
Responder's Handbook providing initial assessment, signs and symptoms, diagnosis,
treatment, decontamination and precautions. There is also a section devoted to the
establishment of a decontaminization zone. Very fine work.
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Combating Chemical,
Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Terrorism : A Comprehensive Strategy : A Report of
the Csis Homeland Defense Project)
by Frank J. Cilluffo, Sharon L. Cardash,
Gordon Nathaniel Lederman
Book News, Inc.
A task force of the Center for Strategic and International Studies,
based in Washington, DC, assesses possible comprehensive strategies for countering threats
of terrorism, based on program reviews and other measures of effectiveness. The report
provides senior national officials a map of near-term and long-term priorities for
marshalling national, state, local, private, and non-governmental resources. It has
neither index nor bibliography.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR
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