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Our pinfire kit used by a customer
In this shell, like in those devoted to pinfure handguns a threaded percussion cap holder is used. A massive piece of brass that can be used almost infinitely.
The basic kit is delivered with a long screw on which can be attached the cap holder. Slide a fresh cap between the jaws of the cap holder, with the cap's opening aligned with the small hole (pin hole) drilled in the holder.
The inside bottom of the shell (left picture above) has a circular depression to accommodate the cap holder.
Using the long screw as a handle, place the cap holder into the seating area in the shell. Then rotate the screw until the pin hole of the holder becomes perfectly aligned with side hole of the shell.
Note, that the percussion cap MUST be flush with the holder. If it remains beyond the holder's edge, as shown above at the left, the holder pin hole, and the shell pin hole will never align perfectly, and you will have great difficulties to enter the firing pin (perhaps even it will be impossible).
Insert the firing pin through the shell hole into the hole of the cap holder, and drive it inside until its pointed extremity bears against the bottom of the cap.
Percussion cap and firing pin installed The cap holder is now retained in the bottom of the shell by the firing pin. Unscrew the threaded rod from the cap holder, and fill the shell with the right quantity of black powder.
Using a specific measuring cup, pour about 4.00 - 4.50 grams of black powder (coarse to fine granulation - Fg to FFFg) into the shell.
When the powder is loaded, slide an intermediary wad (preferably of the greased type) inside of the shell, and drive it down, until it is just bearing against the powder (not compressing). Not air should remain between the powder and the wad. Black powder comes in four granulations. Fg being the coarsest (slowest to burn), and FFFFg being the finest (fastest to burn). You will find the same grades under the following labels : 1Fg to 4fg or even 1F to 4F. Warning ! From now on, a sufficient blow onto the pin can ignite the primer and the powder.
Now, that the intermediary wad has been placed above the powder, pour in about 28 grams of lead pellets of the size you desire. The upper level of the load must not go beyond the first set of sealing holes.
Insert now a thinner sealing wad above the load. Push it until reaching the level just below the two pairs of holes in the shell.
Insert two tooth picks through the sets of holes, in order to get a cross which will prevent that the sealing wad gets out of the shell. Cut the tooth picks flush with the external face of the shell.
The shell overall length is about 2.579 inches You have now a hunting shell ready to be used. Note that due to the high quality and thickness of the brass these shells are practically usable, if not for ever, at least for many shots.
Your are now ready for a pleasant hunting party, and the game, this time, will have more than a fair chance to go through. This is real sport.
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