Belgian Liege gunmakers
Content : One
set of tools - 12 cartridge cases - 25 lead bullets - 25 primer caps Tools furnished : Basement (1), Recalibrator (2), Bullet seating rod (3), Pushing rod (4), Primer cap ejector (5), Power measure (6) Caliber 6mm Velodog Content of the boxed kit (Starter kit): All the necessary tools for reloading + 12 cartridge cases + 25 bullets. Case length = 29.50 mm Type of primer used: Small pistol Bullet weight : 2.98 grams Note, primers are not shipped. ITEM #A-Velo : Starter kit for 6mm Velodog Approx weight 600 gr - Price US$ 320.00 + Shipping Content of the boxed kit: All the necessary tools for reloading + 12 cartridge cases + 25 bullets. ITEM #B-Velo : 12 empty shells for 320 CF Short Approx weight 30 gr - Price US$ 57.00 + Shipping ITEM #C-Velo : 25 bullets Approx weight 75 gr - Price US$ 19.00 + Shipping ITEM #D-Velo : 100 bullets Approx weight : 300 gr - Price US$ 52.00 + Shipping
Content of the boxed kit: All the necessary tools for reloading + 12 cartridge cases + 25 bullets. Shell dimension: case length = .354" to .327 (mouth) - Rim diam. = .409" - case length = .885"Type of primer used: Small pistol Bullet weight : 8 grams (diam. = .312" - total length = .665") Note primers are not shipped. ITEM #A-Nag : Starter kit for 7.5mm Nagant Approx weight 700g - Price US$ 320.00 + Shipping Content of the boxed kit: All the necessary tools for reloading + 12 cartridge cases + 25 bullets. ITEM #B-Nag : 12 empty shells for 320 CF Short Approx weight 36g - Price US$ 57.00 + Shipping ITEM #C-Nag : 25 lead bullets Approx weight 180g - Price US$ 19.00 + Shipping ITEM #D-Nag : 100 lead bullets Approx weight 720g - Price US$ 52.00 + Shipping Caliber .320 and .32
Case diam. = .315" - Rim diam. = .370" - case length = .650" - Overall length = 1.025" ![]() bullet weight : 6 grams (base diam. = .288" - total length .511") ITEM #A32CF-S : Starter kit for 320 CF Short Approx weight 700g - Price US$ 320.00 + Shipping Content of the boxed kit: All the necessary tools for reloading + 12 cartridge cases + 25 bullets. ITEM #B32CF-S : 12 empty shells for 320 CF Short Approx weight 36g - Price US$ 57.00 + Shipping ITEM #D32CF-S : 25 lead bullets Approx weight 140g - Price US$ 19.00 + Shipping ITEM #E32CF-S : 100 lead bullets Approx weight 570g - Price US$ 52.00 + Shipping
To make an order
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ITEM #A32LC : Starter kit for .32 Long Colt Approx weight 700g - Price US$ 320.00 + Shipping Content of the boxed kit: All the necessary tools for reloading + 12 cartridge cases + 25 bullets. ITEM #B32LC : 12 empty shells for .32 Long Colt Approx weight 48g - Price US$ 57.00 + Shipping ITEM #E32LC : 100 lead bullets (.312''/7.90mm - 86 grains/5.60 grams) Approx weight 560g - Price US$ 50.00 + Shipping
ITEM #A32SW : Starter kit for .32 S&W Approx weight 700g - Price US$ 320.00 + Shipping Content of the boxed kit: All the necessary tools for reloading + 12 cartridge cases + 25 bullets. ITEM #B32SW : 12 empty shells for .32 S&W Approx weight 48g - Price US$ 57.00 + Shipping ITEM #E32SW : 100 lead bullets (plain lead - .313''/7.95 mm - 92 grains/5.95 grams) Approx weight 595g - Price US$ 50.00 + Shipping
ITEM #A32SW-L : Starter kit for .32 S&W-L Approx weight 700g - Price US$ 320.00 + Shipping Content of the boxed kit: All the necessary tools for reloading + 12 cartridge cases + 25 bullets. ITEM #B32SW-L : 12 empty shells for .32 S&W-L Approx weight 48g - Price US$ 57.00 + Shipping ITEM #E32SW-L : 100 lead bullets (plain lead - .313''/7.95 mm - 92 grains/5.95 grams) Approx weight 595g - Price US$ 50.00 + Shipping
ITEM #A38SW : Starter kit for .38 S&W Approx weight 700g - Price US$ 320.00 + Shipping Content of the boxed kit: All the necessary tools for reloading + 12 cartridge cases + 25 bullets. ITEM #B38SW : 12 empty shells for .38 S&W Approx weight 48g - Price US$ 57.00 + Shipping ITEM #E38SW : 100 lead bullets (hollowed base and copper jacket - .360''/9.14''- 123 grains/ 8.00 grams) Approx weight 800g - Price US$ 50.00 + Shipping
ITEM #A38LC : Starter kit for .38 LC Approx weight 700g - Price US$ 320.00 + Shipping Content of the boxed kit: All the necessary tools for reloading + 12 cartridge cases + 25 bullets. ITEM #B38LC : 12 empty shells for .38 LC Approx weight 48g - Price US$ 57.00 + Shipping ITEM #E38LC : 100 lead bullets (plain lead - .375''/9.5 mm - .358''/9.0 mm - 155 grains/10.40 grams) Approx weight 1040g - Price US$ 50.00 + Shipping
Case and
bullet dimensions for the .380 caliber :
ITEM #A38CF-L : Starter kit for .380 CF / .38 Colt LongITEM #A38CF-S : Starter kit for .380 CF/ .38 Colt Short Content of the boxed kit: All the necessary tools for reloading + 12 cartridge cases + 25 bullets. Approx weight 750g - Price US$ 320.00 + Shipping ITEM #B38CF-L : 12 empty shells for .380 CF Long ITEM #B38CF-S : 12 empty shells for .380 CF Short Approx weight 50g - Price US$ 57.00 + Shipping ITEM #D38CF : 25 lead bullets Approx weight 320g - Price US$ 18.00 + Shipping ITEM #E38CF : 100 lead bullets Approx weight 940g - Price US$ 50.00 + Shipping .380 TEST KITS 380 CF Short test kit : $33.00 (+ shipping) To make an order
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.380 CF Long test kit : $33.00 (+ shipping) To make an order
please send an email here: .41 Long Colt
Pushing rod for the bullet seating, main cylinder to guide the bullet in the shell and also recalibrate the shell after firing, basis block on which is put the main cylinder, second cylinder for crimping purpose when a hollow bullet is used, primer cap ejection rod, pushing rod to expell the resized shell or the crimped cartridge from the cylinders. 1.34" - 1.17" - 1.40" overall length ITEM
#A41LC : Starter kit for .41 Long Colt with two length of cartridge
case. Please note that primer caps (of standard large pistol type) are not provided. ITEM #B41LC 22 : 12 empty shells of
22mm length in .41 LC caliber ITEM #B41LC 28 : 12 empty shells of
28mm length in .41 LC caliber ITEM #E41LC Plain : 100 lead
bullets of plain type - diameter of 10.36mm (.407") - weight 11.70 grams or 180
grains 10.4 mm Italian Bodeo revolver Content
of the boxed kit: ITEM
#A-Bod : Starter kit for 10.40 Italian Bodeo revolver ![]() Rim diam: 12.90mm. Base diam: 11.71mm. Mouth diam: 10.70mm ITEM #B-Bod : 12 empty shells for 10.40/10.35mm Bodeo revolverApprox weight 70g - Price US$ 57.00 + Shipping ITEM #E-Bod : 100 greased lead bullets ( weight: 11.20 grammes / 172 grains) May also be used for : 44 Webley, 442 British Revolver, 44 S&W AmericanApprox weight 1600g - Price US$ 57.00 + Shipping 10.6 Reichrevolver (or 44 Russian) Content
of the boxed kit: ITEM
#A44 : Starter kit for .44 Russian or 10.6 Reichrevolver ITEM #B44 : 12 empty shells for .44 (or 10.6 Reichrevolver) Approx weight 70g - Price US$ 57.00 + Shipping ITEM #E44 : 100 greased lead bullets (caliber .429" or 10.90mm - 246 grains/15.90 grams) Approx weight 1600g - Price US$ 69.00 + Shipping .450 (.455 & .460) Webley .450 reloading kit user manual Content of the boxed kit: All the necessary tools for reloading + 12 cartridge cases + 25 bullets.
.450 reloading kit user manual ITEM #A450 : Starter kit for .450 Webley Approx weight 700g - Price US$ 320.00 + Shipping Content of the boxed kit: All the necessary tools for reloading + 12 cartridge cases + 25 bullets. ITEM #B450 : 12 empty shells for .450 (.455 & .460) Webley Approx weight 70g - Price US$ 57.00 + Shipping ITEM #E450 : 100 lead bullets (Copper jacket and hollowed base - 171 grains/11.10 grams) Approx weight 1100g - Price US$ 74.00 + Shipping How to use the test kits The test kits can be used to make dummy catridges. Just have just to insert a primer cap in the case pocket (or leave the cartridge without primer). You can also make firable cartridges by adding a load of black powder. Here below are the logical steps to perform. 1 - Loading of the black powder
As the bullet is already installed, the powder (of black type only) must pass through the hole in the bottom of the primer pocket. Even when using a coarse powder, it should pass through the hole by slightly tapping the bullet against a hard surface.
When no more powder can enter in the case, verify that the case is full by inserting the tip of a long needle against the powder. You have now to install the primer as explained in the user manual : How to order
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