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Belgian Liege gunmakers
(Seven volumes by alphabetical order)

Belgian Liege gunmakers (A to C) - Volume 1

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By Alain Daubresse

This printed and hardbound book, written in English and French by Alain Daubresse, provide an extensive insight about the gunmaking activity in Belgium from its very beginning to the middle of the 20th century.

Due to the vast quantity of data to treat, the global work was parted in a series of publications, into which each separate book is dealing with a small portion of the whole, and that is listed in alphabetical order.

The book presented below is the first of the series and is covering the gunmakers whose names are in the A to C range of the alphabetical order. Each gunmaker is presented with the maximum of data available and a wealth of color pictures about the most typical pieces of his production. Are also discussed the many markings found applied on the guns and their significance or purpose.

The gunmakers treated in this first volume are :

A section

B section

C section

Albini BraendlinAncion & C°
Ancion DD & Fils
Ancion Jacques & Cie
Ancion Marx
André M.J.
Arendt Maurice
Arnold Mathias
Ateliers Saint Laurent

Bauwir Joseph
Baltus - Wilmotte
Baron Emile
Bastin Frères
Bauduin Charles
Bayet Frères
Bazin F.J.
Beckers G.
Behr Jean jacques
Belgian Arms cie
Berleur Guillaume
Berleur Michel
Bernard Alphonse
Bernard Emile & Cie
Bernard Ernest
Bernard Henri Eugène
Bernard Lambert
Bernard Victor & Cie
Bernimolin & Cap
Bertrand Antoine
Bertrand Antoine & Fils
Bertrand Joseph
Bettonville - Fontaine
Beuret Frères
Bischop Pierre
Bodson N.
Bodson TH.
Bonzon & Arents & Cie
Bouquin Ad
Bovy Théodore Joseph
Braekers Charles & Cie
Brancquaert Louis
Britte Frères
Bronne Gustave
Broqua & Scholberg
Bultot Jean
Bury Jules

Cap Joseph
Chaineux J.
Charlier Ch.
Chaumont M.J.
Christophe Henri
Christophe Louis
Christophe & Montigny
Clément Charles Philibert
Clément Walter
Closset J.M.
Closset Louis
Closset Louis - Remy Hubert
Coquilhat Aimé
Colard Louis - Counet Léonard
Coleye M. N.
Collard Henri - Roux Jacques
Collette Léopold
Colette Victor
Colleye Henri Joseph
Collings Hadelin
Comblain Dieudonné Joseph
Comblain Hubert Joseph
Comblain H. J. - Galoppin
Comblain - Dorther Hubert
Counet Philippe
Counet - Genot
Counet-Leboulle J.
Courard N.

The size of this book of 232 pages is about 30 cm X 22 cm (11.80" X 8.60"). Its weight is 1.220 kg (43.00 oz). It is was built using a very thick cardboard cover and the paper used for the printing was of the high glossy type and carefully bound by threads. A strong good product that will last for long usage in your firearms books bibliary.

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Volume 1


Price of one book shipping included


Europe : 65.00 Euros

Rest of the world : 80.00 Euros

Series of pictures on the contents

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