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Belgian Liege gunmakers
(Seven volumes by alphabetical order)
Belgian Liege gunmakers (N to R) - Volume 5

By Alain Daubresse

This printed
and hardbound book, written in English and French by Alain Daubresse, provide an extensive
insight about the gunmaking activity in Belgium from its very beginning to the middle of
the 20th century.
Due to the
vast quantity of data to treat, the global work was parted in a series of publications,
into which each separate book is dealing with a small portion of the whole, and that is
listed in alphabetical order.
The book
presented below is the fifth of the series and is covering the gunmakers whose names are
in the N to R alphabetical range. Each gunmaker is presented with the maximum of data
available and a wealth of color pictures about the most typical pieces of his production.
Are also discussed the many markings found applied on the guns and their significance or
gunmakers treated in this first volume are :
section |
section |
section |
Neufcour J. E.
Neumann & Cie
Neumann - Clément
Neumann Fréres
Neuprez Frères
New Haven Arms
Niquet Claude
Niquet Julien
Niquet Le Jeune
Noisette J.
O section
Ortmann W.
Ory L.
Ory Ch. & Duquenne J.
Oury Dieudonné
Oury J. J.
Oyez Arms Co |
Pahaut & Carmanne
Paulus J. B.
Pecklers & Fils
Pecklers Mathias & Fils
Petitjean H.
Petry J. Auguste
Pieper (Dynasty)
Pieper Henri
Pieper S.A
Pieper S.A. (Anc. Ets.)
Pieper Nicolas
Piot - Lepage & Lepine
Pire J. & Cie
Pirlet H.
Pirlot Frères
Pirlot & Frésart
Pirlot & Simonis
Pirotte Jacques & Fils
Pirotte Martin
Pliers Adrien
Poilvache Léonard
Polain Prosper
Polain Jules
Poncin Ailid
Poncin F.
Poudrerie Pelgrims & Bombeek
Poudrerie d'Ombret
Poudrerie de Clermont
Prévost Gustave
Prion Antoine
Puraye J-B |
Raick Frères
Raker Théodore
Reel F.
Remy Hubert
Renkin J (Veuve)
Renotte Dieudonné Joseph
Riga Alphonse
Rissack M. Fils
Rissack Jean Jacques
Robar & de Kerkhove
Robar L. & Cie
Robert Charles & Cie
Robert Ch. & Gillon Noël
Robiefroid Paul
Rocour B.
Rocour - Delsa B. & Cie
Roland Désiré
Rongé Jean Baptiste
Rongé Jean Baptiste Fils
Rongé Antoine
Rosseel Jules
Rotsaert Léonard
Rouhette G.
Rouma Lambert
Rousseaux Victor |
The size of this book of 238 pages
is about 30 cm X 22 cm (11.80" X 8.60"). Its weight
is 1.100 kg (39.00 oz). It is was built using a very thick
cardboard cover and the paper used for the printing was of the high glossy type and
carefully bound by threads. A strong good product that will last for long usage in your
firearms books bibliary.

Order online this book and pay it through
Volume 5
Price shipping included
Europe : |
65.00 Euros |
Rest of the world : |
80.00 Euros |
Series of pictures on the contents

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